I was a bit stunned this morning to see our organization's ARIN fees would be going up by a factor of 10. We live in inflationary times, but that's an increase of, let's see, I guess 1,000%?

Before the rest of you resource holders on the list have a coronary, let me qualify that this fee increase is for just for registered facilitators (brokers) and most of you won't be affected. This time. But the more general issue of ARIN raising fees in an extravagant manner with no solicitation for public discussion of the impact affects all of us.

When ARIN began the facilitators' program the annual fee was just $100. A few years later the fee was raised tenfold to $1,000. Today we learned that another tenfold increase would go into effect making our annual fee $10,000. So it's actually a 100-fold increase in about a decade.

Our own organization won't be too affected by this. We can handle it, and most of the larger IP brokers can as well. It may even help us by driving away some competition. But that shouldn't be the point. There are smaller organizations that are facilitators that will be severely impacted. We work with some of these and while they may not handle the volume of transactions we do, they do an excellent job in moving IPv4 resources to organizations that need them and educating the parties along the way.

There are some other changes to the facilitator program, including requiring liability insurance for ARIN, background checks, customer references, etc. I assume this is to keep some of the riff-raff out and may be helpful. I don't see how outrageous fee increases help anyone.

Other sharp fee increases have been brought up and complained about on this list, always after the fact. The recent resource holder fee increases that saw end user organizations suddenly treated as ISPs comes to mind. Recently, transfer fees spiked from $300 to $500 per transfer and were suddenly appled to source organizations in all transfers (it used to be just transfers from end user orgs). As if that wasn't enough, ARIN started charging transfer recipients an additional transfer fee. I can tell you from first-hand experience this hurt small organizations looking to acquire IPv4 blocks.

I recommend ARIN transparently solicit public input when pondering fee increases of such magnitude. Hopefully before our fee goes up another 1,000%.


Tom Fantacone

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