On Friday 1. July 2016 18.48.54 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> hiya paul if it's ok with you i'd like to write something up, would
> you be happy to forward it on my behalf?  i need to link some things
> together, also i met some of the FSFE people at FOSDEM2016 and would
> like them to know "this is what i showed you, it's really happening!"
> because so many people there were really excited about the prospect of
> a truly libre laptop.
> more later?

You can probably post to that list or even subscribe to it without having any 
FSFE affiliation, but I guess you don't really want to spend too much time 
repeating yourself everywhere. Nevertheless, I could forward something if it 
turned out that you couldn't post anything. (There was an initiative to allow 
guest contributions to various FSFE resources, but things are being rearranged 
and this might not be the case any more.)

In fact, my intention is to write a blog article about EOMA68 (and also other 
things that have been happening in similar projects), but I decided to write 
that message first because the FSFE blog site was down at the time. The topic 
is also pertinent to previous discussions as well, so we will see if anyone 
feels it worth discussing or not.

But by all means send stuff my way, get in touch privately, or whatever. :-)


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