
2016-07-01 17:23 Paul Boddie:
Hello again,

I've also posted a message to the FSFE discussion list about the campaign:


There have been some discussions on that list about open hardware and the
threats posed by proprietary hardware and the surveillance features of various
CPU families, notably these threads:


(Featuring an attempt to fund a POWER8-based workstation.)


(Hopes for "truly free processor architectures", which might not be such a
fantasy after all, given improvements in Free Software for programmable logic
and synthesis.)

I just posted about this in another thread of this mailing list,
specifically about RISC-V.  Hopefully somebody will make some in silicon
rather than FPGA, either lowrisc, SiFive, or somebody else.

Also I forgot to mention the SH4 architecture with patents expired or
expiring, and the intention to create the "J" cores, we'll see how it

I rather hope for a solid discussion of the merits of the campaign, as opposed
to people just claiming that it can't be done, won't work, or whatever.

I really believe that it CAN be done and that it WILL work, sooner or
later ;)

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montez...@gmail.com>

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