crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 12:05 AM, GaCuest <gacu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good luck, Luke!
> If the project is oriented to any public, perhaps I would do it more
> user-friendly.
> Perhaps it may be interesting to add a video like this:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNR4zKqa6vI
> in the campaign but simpler. For example, put the EOMA-68,
> turn on, and run the graphical interface.

 i've got some of those.... i'm sure i did one.  well, i'm about to do
another :)  it'll be going on an official update.

> Is there any possibility of an EOMA-68 A20 with Android
> or RemixOS? Perhaps for the general public it is more
> friendly/well-know than GNU/Linux.
> It would also be interesting to put sketches or drawings
> (more user-friendly) explaining the EOMA-68 concept.

 yes - christopher would you like to do that?  if anyone else wants to
do a video with some explanation feel free okay!

> Perhaps it can be also interesting set goals (if given money
> is enough). For example, develop an EOMA-68 with Intel
> x86 with Windows and/or GNU/Linux if it is possible.

 *sigh* yeahhhh i knowwwww, i'm trying, but intel just shut down their
smartphone and tablet division, which cuts off the ultra-low-power x86
SoCs they were doing.  they *almost* got down to the right power band
as well.  bleugh.

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