'ey, Luke. I'm starting to get ideas (unsolicited from my brain) about
maybe how to do some of those illustrations you were talking about. My
WinXP box (needed for computer graphics... some companies don't understand
yet the power of penguin ;) :P ) is set up right now so I can play with it
a bit... I think I will. Should I send the results to your Gmail or to the

By the way, if anyone around here has /any/ technical experience with old
Rio500 MP3 players --or can get me in touch with someone who does-- please
contact me off-list. I have two that are the victims of bad formats, and
I'd really like to get 'em working again. *@Luke* -- I know this isn't a
topic for the list, and this will be its only mention by me here -- and
it's only here because I'm desperate ;)
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