El 14 de noviembre de 2016 a las 19:27:40, Luke Kenneth Casson
Leighton (l...@lkcl.net) escribió:
> i still have to write it up but i've discovered that it's possible to
> obtain PCB CAD files on taobao for the RK3288. with mike's help (and
> around $20) i've been working for the past 4 days on an EOMA68-RK3288
> board. the RK3288 apparently supports up to 4GB of RAM, which is the
> primary reason why i'm looking at it at the same time as the nexell
> S5P6818 (which is 8-core but only does up to 2GB RAM).
> the RK3288 was apparently designed for chromebooks, hence the
> increased RAM. what's nice is that i have the assistance of an
> engineer who works for rockchip, thanks to an introduction. i'll be
> arranging to go visit their HQ in a few weeks, to say hello.

The GPU seems very interesting. Supports OpenGL ES 3.2 and Vulkan 1.0.

Are all components supported under GNU/Linux (with proprietary drivers)?


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