El 15 de noviembre de 2016 a las 17:33:27, Luke Kenneth Casson
Leighton (l...@lkcl.net) escribió:
> honestly that's something i'm going to have to leave for someone else
> to investigate / answer, i've been non-stop for about 6 days on the
> PCB layout, it's one of the trickiest i've ever done as the 4 DDR3x16
> RAM ICs are all on the TOP layer, leaving an absolutely ridiculously
> small amount of space left for routing, and i'm having to make some
> rather creative decisions on where to place some of the discrete
> components.
> it's extremely taxing, very intensive, so i'm trusting that other
> people will answer software-related questions.

Ok, thanks, and good luck!

The RK3288 seems very interesting if all the components if supported
under GNU/Linux (at least with proprietary drivers).

On the other hand, have you calculated the approximate price of an
EOMA68 based on RK3288?


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