On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 12:20 PM, Jean Flamelle <eaterjo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the driving point no one wants to argue about and therefore
> has been lapdancing around, is one way or another systemd is developed
> by a very ambitious company.

 this reminds me: when kde received $10m in EU funding, what they
developed was a copy of the worst ever variant of windows [vista] and
it shocked a lot of people.  plasma took years to develop, was more
complex and really didn't do anything better than what the existing
python bindings to KDE's underlying architecture already did.

 the point being: when money gets involved, people can drop whatever
they were doing and can focus full-time on "coding".  but the downside
of that is that they *do* focus full-time on "coding"... and less time
on thinking, talking, relaxing, designing, communicating and

 i've seen it happen so many times: when the pace of development is
slower - because it's done part-time - naturally what results is...
better code.  why?  because people spent more of their down-time
*actually thinking* and mulling things over.

 the rapid pace of the projects funded by redhat are near-consistently
causing grief and aggravation.  one of the ones _not_ causing grief
[from redhat-funded developers] is the linux kernel project and that
is a huge exception because it has so many contributors that it has a
totally different development track.

 i thought this might help as i don't believe that redhat is
*deliberately* intending to piss people off by rushing ahead, but
that's what's happening as a direct result of redhat trying to justify
its existence in a commercial world.

> I sincerely understand these are people trying to make the world a
> sweeter place albeit in a "ends are more important than
> means"-kinda-unintentional-way.

 i'm reminded of bob podolski's words (actually probably john david
garcia's): ethical ends can *never* be achieved by unethical means....

> Hope, I'm helping with perspective :d

 always.  thank you jean.


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