I think you and I will have to respectfully disagree. *Everyone* should
have a voice. I may not be able to code, but I can still contribute in some
way. Here's my other crowning achievement (IMO) -- a bug report where I got
something major repaired. Partially I was lucky, because it was one of
those 'this is boring' situations (faulty code was accepted without being
properly examined, leading to a break in support), except someone stepped
in externally, because they could, and sort of took over things and fixed


Oh, right, length warning there. It took multiple *months* to get that
thing untangled and working. Oh -- and, much to my chagrin, it still hasn't
been picked up *to this day* by Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives -- the very
OSes it affects. Anything from about 2014 on has the defective version.
(Last known-good config was Ubuntu Precise Pangolin!) It's been a year or
two, you'd think they'd've gotten around to it by now... oh well, it's for
a very particular set of rather-unpopular species of 32bit gear, so it
probably won't matter much longer... support for 32bit gear is dropping
like flies in a winter barn...
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