I don't think I understand (even though I read all the followups in the thead 
up to Stefan Monnier's post of Tue Jul 24 08:27:30 2018, so I've added some 
comments / questions below:

On Sunday, July 22, 2018 05:11:28 PM Jean Flamelle wrote:
> So the thought is pretty simple.
> A monofunction PCB that when power is supplied from the HDMI,
> generates a private key signature, displays it as a QR code for a few
> moments, then plays whatever video is stored on nand.
> The QR code confirms the legitimacy or official-ness of the copy.

Where is the nand (on which the video is stored) -- is it on this stick, or is 
this sort of a multi-use stick that can check the video on other media for 
"compliance" with DRM?

> Encourage copying, modifying, as well as redistributing the content.
> However build a culture of the 'Unpause-able Player Stick':

What do you mean by unpause-able?  Do you mean you couldn't pause the video 
and restart it?

> Friends should still feel obligated to support the art through peer
> pressure to use one of these sticks that can prove its legitimacy,
> during ritualistic communal watchings.
> Airgapped for security and durability (viruses can still damage
> hardware after all)
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