On Jul 22, 2018, at 15:11, Jean Flamelle <eaterjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Encourage copying, modifying, as well as redistributing the content.

By this do you mean an unencrypted output over HDMI (without HDCP in other 

> However build a culture of the 'Unpause-able Player Stick':

How do we "encourage copying, modifying, as well as redistributing the content" 
from an 'Unpause-able Player Stick' that has "air-gap" security?

Who can copy, modify, or redistribute the content?

What is the utility of making it 'Unpause-able'?  That was always one of the 
advantages I saw to having user control:  you can adapt the viewing experience 
to the realities of your life.

It seems to me that a lot more variety of materials will be required to make 
one of these sticks than an optical disc which is mostly one type of plastic.  
That would seem to make the stick more difficult to recycle than the disc.  If 
the stick can't be loaded with new content, then its use cycle will be closer 
to a non-rewritable optical disc.

What if we created an open video format that allowed sections of a work to be 
attributed to the original author/creator?  Sort of a digital credits meta-data 
list.  Could also be useful for still images, audio, and possibly other media.  
A method to identify some portion of the whole work and record attribution 

Editing tools would be very useful in managing this data.
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