In a message dated 10/23/03 3:07:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Check out almost any textbook: Thomas Bailey's is one obvious example.
>Schlesinger *Age of Roosevelt* and Hofstader's *American Political
>Tradition* are others.

Bailey's textbook is called The American Pageant and we used it in high
school.  You can also see the popular view of the New Deal saving America in Sydney
Ratner's Taxation and Democracy in America.  Schlesinger and Ratner belong to
the Progressive school of American history;  the New Left categorized
Hofstader (sneeringly) as a Liberal Consensus historian, although in fact he fits
better under the organizational variant of the modernization school of American

New Left historians, incidentally, see the New Deal as a fascist band aid
which prevented true "reform" (socialism) by hiding the inherent evils of market
capitalism.  They tend to hate FDR but like Hoover and Eisenhower, both of
whom they see as thoughtful men who tried, albeit futilely, to fashion
non-coercive solutions to the alleged inherent contradictions of market capitalism.

David Levenstam

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