Bahizi_P wrote:
> Country of destination would be the answer. 

Not to be critical, but do you have any data, or is this just your best

Life expectancy has a lot to do
> with access to a myriad of services primary available in developed countries
> (where life expectancy is greater) such as:
> -medical services and treatment (Proper diagnosis and so on)
> -presence (or lack thereof) of highly and deadly contagious diseases
> -proper nutrition
> -proper mental health care (anxiety and stress due to environment, i.e.
> political unrest)
> Lifespan is also related to:
> -better information
> -and overall better quality of life
> The reverse would also true. A person going from a country with high life
> expectancy to one with a shorter lifespan and adopting the locals way of
> life, i.e. exposure to diseases, malnutrition, etc, would have their
> lifespan considerably shortened.
> My 2c worth.
> Pierre Bahizi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan Caplan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 2:59 PM
> Subject: Life Expectancy and Immigration
> Life expectancy varies widely between countries.  When someone moves to
> a new country, what best predicts their lifespan?  Country of origin?
> Or country of destination?
> --
>                         Prof. Bryan Caplan
>        Department of Economics      George Mason University
>   "He was thinking that Prince Andrei was in error and did not see the
>    true light, and that he, Pierre, ought to come to his aid, to
>    enlighten and uplift him.  But no sooner had he thought out what he
>    should say and how to say it than he foresaw that Prince Andrei,
>    with one word, a single argument, would discredit all his teachings,
>    and he was afraid to begin, afraid to expose to possible ridicule
>    what he cherished and held sacred."
>                    Leo Tolstoy, *War and Peace*

                        Prof. Bryan Caplan                
       Department of Economics      George Mason University      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   "Who are they?  Why are they running?  Could they be coming to 
    me?  Really coming to me?  And why?  To kill me?  *Me* whom 
    everyone loves?"
                Leo Tolstoy, *War and Peace*

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