Also, if you are interested in a review of Lomborg's book by a non-economist 
who is right-thinking nonetheless (and an excellent jurist), check out 9th 
Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski's review in an upcoming issue of 
the Michigan Law Review.  The issue is dated May 2002 but hasn't come out yet 
(any day now).  The review, entitled Gore Wars, is both informative and 
entertaining reading.  (Kozinski's writing style is very conversational and 
this review includes Star Wars references - Kozinski likes to spice up his 
writing, even from the bench).

While Judge Kozinski is not an economist, he keeps abreast of the "junk 
science" and "Chicken Little" concerns associated with the environmentalist 
movement.  Kozinski's review points out instances where Lomborg and his work 
were unfairly criticized by the environmental "scientists."  Additionally, the 
review suggests a double-standard in environmental science - Lomborg's book 
contained a few errors (out of hundreds of pages of data) that he corrected on 
his web site (and these errors provided some of the ammunition for his critics) 
while several of these critics' predictions never came to fruition or were just 
plain wrong, but they did not publicly acknowledge their mistakes or errors.  I 
recommend Judge Kozinski's review to anyone interested in reading Lomborg's 
book (which is filled densely with data that may not frighten economists, but 
might dissuade others from picking it up).

Full disclosure: I am a Book Review Editor of the Michigan Law Review and did 
some editing of Kozinski's piece.

Ashlie Warnick

Quoting Jacob W Braestrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I assume that you have visited his website
> there you may find answers to many of your questions
> I am not an environmental economist, but welcome (and agree with) most 
> if not all of the things that lomborg has said. And the fact that it 
> needed to be said has in my view been confirmed by the reaction from 
> established environmental "science" (going for the man, not the ball)
> What environmentalists need to do fisrt and foremost are to learn that 
> resources are not infinite (actually, it's almost amusing that THEY 
> can't see that), and that they therefore need to "price" the 
> environment like any other thing: Because thus is the only way to make 
> infinite demands (including environmental needs) be met by finite 
> resources. 
> That’s more or less my five cents on the subject.
> - jacob braestrup
> > Howdy,
> > 
> > As ad hominem arguments fly around the internet, I
> > seem unable to get an impartial opinion.  Would those
> > who study the envirnment give me the straight dope on
> > The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg?  His
> > economic arguments seem pretty sound, and this
> > statistical methods, from what I can tell (not much?)
> > seem good.  However, I would really enjoy an unbiased
> > review (however brief it may be) from someone more
> > knowledgeable than me.
> > 
> > Sincerely from a barefooted, gap-toothed
> > mouthbreather,
> > -jsh
> > 
> > =====
> > "...for no one admits that he incurs an obligation to another merely 
> because that other has done him no wrong."
> > -Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy, Discourse 16.
> > 
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