How many of you (of those in thes US) who believe in efficient markets are
investing in US equities now and have invested in them in the last 2 years ?
If your answer is NO then why are you not investing in US equities because
if markets are efficient all bad news must be priced into the stock prices
.. right  ?


> > If the markets are efficient, does it mean that you can buy at any time,
> > using any methods and you will still make the same returns as somebody
> > who is smarter  ?
> > Koushik
> No.  Because some assets and asset groups are riskier than others, and
> risks get higher returns.  Also, a diversified porfolio gets a higher
> relative to risk.
> Modern Portfolio Theory is a method by which one first selects a level or
> risk or volatility, then allocates assets into categories to obtain the
> highest return relative to that risk.  The asset vehicles are index mutual
> funds, since these have the lowest costs, and active picking seldom
> better.
> Fred Foldvary
> =====

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