Sen. Robert Torricelli's Republican challenger has apparently decided to make
the Torch's support for the latest farm bill an issue in this campaign, judging
by this press release they put out after Torricelli apologized for his ethics


My fellow New Jerseyans, I've let you down. I never should have accepted illegal
gifts from a campaign contributor, nor acted as his Ambassador to foreign
governments, nor denied ever doing anything at any time to betray the trust you
placed in me. And I'm sorry.

While we're at it, I never should have demanded that the CIA handcuff its field
agents and make it tougher for them to penetrate foreign terrorist cells.  And
when virtually every intelligence professional said the CIA should rescind that
policy, I should have agreed with them, rather than continuing to defend it. And
I'm sorry.

I never should have introduced legislation to raise the cost of prescription
drugs by $11 BILLION in exchange for a measly $50,000 soft-money contribution to
a campaign committee I controlled. I never should have voted for a $191 BILLION
farm subsidies bill that will cost New Jersey households $4400 every year in
higher taxes, just because I coveted $100,000 from out-of-state agribusinesses.
And I never should have voted to keep toxic nuclear waste right here in our
backyards, just because I lusted for $200,000 from Nevada special interests
desperate to keep it out of THEIR state. And I'm sorry.

My fellow New Jerseyans, there's a lot more I need to apologize for. But I've
only got sixty seconds in this ad, and there's only so much special interest
money I can grab. So for now, I'll leave you with this thought: next week, to
erase any lingering doubts, I'm going to take the lie detector test recommended
by my former colleague, Senator Lautenberg. Stay tuned.

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