This is a rough look at which schools currently have Nobel prize winners on faculty. Do I have any of these wrong? Any additions that need to be made? If this is right, then GMU ties for the 5th highest number of Nobel winners.
Eric -- Chicago: 6 Friedman, Coase, Becker, Fogel, Lucas, Heckman Berkeley: 3 Debreu, McFadden, Akerlof MIT: 3 Samuelson, Modigliani, Solow Stanford: 3 Scholes, Spence, Arrow George Mason: 2 Buchanan, Smith Princeton: 2 Nash, Kahneman Cambridge:2 Sen, Mirrlees Columbia: 2 Mundell, Stiglitz Baruch, CUNY: 1 Markowitz Harvard Business School: 1 Merton Washington, St. Louis: 1 North Penn: 1 Klein