That would be hard because the committee typically cites a body of work
in the award, not just a single paper. Since  a lot of these guys were
pretty mobile during their careers you would probably have to list
several schools for most people. Stiglitz has carried this to an extreme
having taught (I think) at nearly every top 20 university near an ocean
at one time or another. ;-}  - - Bill

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/10/02 08:24PM >>>
I'd be curious to know where the researchers were when they actually
the work for which they won the prize.  For example, Smith was at
when he began doing experiments in experimental economics. 

>>I think Harsanyi is still at Berkeley. Also, I think Friedman is now
>>Stanford. - - Bill
>The Nobel site lists Harsanyi as having passed on in 2000.  You're
>about Friedman though -- he's currently at Hoover.  Updated list
>Chicago: 5     Coase, Becker, Fogel, Lucas, Heckman  
>Stanford: 4    Scholes, Spence, Arrow, Friedman
>Berkeley: 3    Debreu, McFadden, Akerlof 
>MIT: 3         Samuelson, Modigliani, Solow
>George Mason: 2        Buchanan, Smith
>Princeton: 2    Nash, Kahneman
>Cambridge:2    Sen, Mirrlees     
>Columbia: 2    Mundell, Stiglitz
>Baruch, CUNY: 1        Markowitz
>Harvard Business School: 1      Merton   
>Washington, St. Louis: 1 North
>Penn: 1                Klein

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