The average
> investor would be far better off if they did think that enormous returns
> could continue forever because, in a deep though less dramatic way, they
> DO.  I suspect that a lot of people have been turned off to stock
> ownership for decades in spite of the fact that they are the smart
> long-term bet.
> --

People aren't always alive in the long-term! Lots of baby boomers are
approaching retirement when they will begin to draw down their savings.  If
their savings are being decimated by a bear market at the same time, they
may not have enough to last them until they die.  For people who have
already accumulated a nest egg and may not be young enough to start over,
capital preservation is rule number one.  So it may be a wise precaution for
these people to move their wealth into save havens, mainly bonds.  In a few
years, this movement of baby boomer money into safe havens should drive down
both the price of stocks and the yield on bonds.

~Alypius Skinner

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