On Fri, 8 Oct 2010, John O'Donnell wrote:

> On 10/08/2010 03:19 AM, Stuart Winter wrote:
> > I know Jim on this list has received his guruplug a week ago, and they've
> > added a whopping fan to it which makes itself known in the room.
> > Perhaps you shoud send yours back for a swap.
> Oh I have been following the forums and been in contact with Global Scale and
> know all about that little 20mm x 20mm x 6mm fan they added that is apparently
> quite noisy.  I guess I should have said "BAD BAD GLOBAL SCALE!"

It sounds like a hair dryer.

> From what I follow, there apparently are NO sources available to this uaputl
> program and I am VERY dubious of this.  I have also read that there are NO
> access controls and that you DONT have to be root to change the SSID or any
> other access point configurations with this utility and the way it talks to
> the kernel driver.  I dont like it but it is what I have to use.

I've not looked at it, but source is available from the bottom of this 



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