On 10/08/2010 04:40 AM, Jim Hawkins wrote:
On Fri, 8 Oct 2010, John O'Donnell wrote:

On 10/08/2010 03:19 AM, Stuart Winter wrote:
I know Jim on this list has received his guruplug a week ago, and they've
added a whopping fan to it which makes itself known in the room.
Perhaps you shoud send yours back for a swap.

Oh I have been following the forums and been in contact with Global Scale and
know all about that little 20mm x 20mm x 6mm fan they added that is apparently
quite noisy.  I guess I should have said "BAD BAD GLOBAL SCALE!"

It sounds like a hair dryer.

YUCK! Yeah I was googling alot last night about a replacement fan that might be quieter but not alot in that extremely small form factor. Still looking. And waiting for Global Scale to let me know when and how to get my plug fixed. They just keep telling me they will contact me.

 From what I follow, there apparently are NO sources available to this uaputl
program and I am VERY dubious of this.  I have also read that there are NO
access controls and that you DONT have to be root to change the SSID or any
other access point configurations with this utility and the way it talks to
the kernel driver.  I dont like it but it is what I have to use.

I've not looked at it, but source is available from the bottom of this




This is what I have been looking for for a LOOOOONG TIME!!!!
Thank you!!!! Now I want to look at it and see what kind of security it has, etc.. and compile my own and make sure this works!

Johnny O

=== Never ask a geek why, just nod your head and slowly back away.===
|  John O'Donnell                |                                  |
|  (Sr. Systems Engineer,        |    http://juanisan.homeip.net    |
|  Net Admin, Programmer, etc.)  |  E-Mail: unixjohn1...@gmail.com  |
No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we are
indispensable.  -- Robert Louis Stevenson
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