2012/6/27 Stuart Winter <m-li...@biscuit.org.uk>:
>> I tryed this: http://kotelett.no/ac100/phh/Android2.2/libflashplayer.so
>> but I was unable to get it to work.
> Did you see why it broke?
> LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library
> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so [libGLESv2.so: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory]
> root@pepa:~# ldd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so | fgrep not
>        libGLESv2.so => not found
> Finding/compiling that module doesn't guarantee whatsoever that the player
> would work, but you never know!

Seems that the flashplayer version that you are trying to use is
compiled in order to work with an accelerated graphic hardware.

In a lot of recent arm SoC is present 3D hardware (for example Mali
from ARM), and, with the driver that commonly it's  GPL released are
given libraries modified for that hardware (as libGLESv2) that usually
are closed.

The libglesv2, derives from Mesa, and there (without hardware
acceleration), available second in terms of MIT license

Often, however, things compiled for hardware accelerated version does
not work well with the "software only".

In slackware 13.37 is present a compiled version of mesa, but, AFAIK
it's compiled with this option

  ./configure \
    --prefix=/usr \
    --sysconfdir=/etc \
    --libdir=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \
    --mandir=/usr/man \
    --docdir=/usr/doc/mesa-$VERSION \
    --enable-xcb \
    --disable-gallium \

In order to have libgles you have to compile with this option

--enable-gles1 --enable-gles2

This just in theory. I've never actually tried. I tried the
precompiled version of debian, but with poor performance.


Alexjan Carraturo
Twitter/Facebook/Identica/flickr: axjslack
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