>Hi !

>I would like to buy a plug-like computer (small form, not especially 
>wall-charger type) and also an ARM laptop.
>It's for a very common usage, internet, video chat, etc.

>Can you guys recommend me some products/websites ?

A lot depends on what you want out of your plug like computer ,,, if you want 
video output of some sort probably a "Raspberry PI" or a  Olimex A13 
 might be the sort of thing you want, but if it's to be used a sort of 
appliance (no need for video output) maybe some member of the plug family could 
be well suited.

For the arm laptop, I don't know if you can get laptop sized ARM portables, but 
you might get lucky if you can get a netbook leftover that is arm based. Choose 
one that is know to be able to run custom images unless you are happy to use 
android. In some countries netbooks have been discontinued, in favor of the 
tablets, dew to poor demand. You might get lucky if you co to some hyperstore 
and find some ARM netbook leftover.

For the arm laptop, I think that IBM have e new line of ARM powered laptops one 
thing you really want to make sure is that whatever you choose is know to be 
able to run custom images without going mad with issues in the boot loader. If 
it uses u-boot as boot loader there's a good chance that you can easily run 
custom linux images.

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