On 9 September 2013 09:00, Davide <louigi...@yahoo.it> wrote:
> For the arm laptop, I think that IBM have e new line of ARM powered laptops
> one thing you really want to make sure is that whatever you choose is know
> to be able to run custom images without going mad with issues in the boot
> loader. If it uses u-boot as boot loader there's a good chance that you can
> easily run custom linux images.

Can you provide an example? I don't know of any ARM laptop that allows
you to load your own image. Besides, you would have a problem or two
with proprietary drivers.

You see, my tablet has been stolen, I've returned my Windows 8 laptop
and I am waiting to see if there is any development on the tablet
side, but I don't see any. The ARM world is as proprietary and locked
as it can be. The PC at work is the only one I use at the moment.

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