
 this is very helpful !
Now I have another doubt. I suspect (from cgh data) that some arrays I
have have 21 trisomy.
Along the X explanation, I guess that would be wise not to use those
array to build the reference set.
So I would like to do the following:

- 6 test arrays
- 20 arrays for reference

Is these possible in aroma.affymetrix?

I tried

test         <-extract(cesN,c(21:26))
reference <- extract(cesN,c(1:20))
cbs         <- CbsModel(test,reference)

this of course does not work, since CbsModel expects a paired analysis

Is there a workaround ?



On 19 Sep, 22:10, "Henrik Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 4:35 AM,marco<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear List,
> >  I wonder about how X chromosome is treated in aroma.affymetrix.
> > Is the mix of male/female samples somehow taken into account, or X is
> > processed as any other chromosome?
> Good idea ;)   Yes, the CRMA model does take into account the fact
> that different samples have different ploidies on ChrX when using the
> pool of arrays as a reference.  The idea is to calculate the robust
> average across all arrays and correct for the bias that
> non-copy-neutral samples introduce.   See Section '3.2.7 Reference
> signals' in:
> H. Bengtsson; R. Irizarry; B. Carvalho; T. Speed, Estimation and
> assessment of raw copy numbers at the single locus level,
> Bioinformatics, 2008. [pmid: 18204055] [doi:
> 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn016]
> for more details.  The model/method requires that at least one sample
> is copy neutral, i.e. you need at least one "female" in order to
> estimate a diploid reference on ChrX.   The same bias-correction
> method can also be used when some of samples are say trisomy 21.   For
> ChrY, our current model cannot give you a *diploid* ChrY reference,
> but a *copy neutral* one, i.e. CN=1 (requires at least one "male").
> To the best of my understand, none of the other methods out there use
> this, but instead it is common to see that only female samples are
> used for the ChrX reference.  See the above CRMA paper to see how much
> the ChrX CN estimates are improved when you use the above
> bias-corrected method instead.
> > In these case the female and males test array are supposed to have
> > log2 values on the average over and below zero?
> I'm note sure what you mean by this, but maybe the above answered this
> question too.
> So, how do you do this in aroma.affymetrix?  I have on purpose avoided
> giving the details on this until someone asks for it, because it
> involved the use of a new kind of non-finalized sample annotation
> files (SAFs).  I don't want to bother people with alpha versions in
> case the API/format changes.  It is unlikely that it will change much
> but if you can accept that it might change, I created a new vignette
> explaining how to do it:
> Vignette 'Sex-chromosome bias-corrected reference signals from pooled 
> average'
> It also illustrated a lot of other things so it might be useful for others 
> too.
> Hope this helps
> Henrik
> > Regards
> >Marco
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