Hi Myriam

I don't know about aroma.affymetrix courses but for R your best place
to start, as a biologist, is at the Bioconductor project.  Their
introductory page spells out exactly the steps that you should follow:

Most of the older workshops are listed (http://www.bioconductor.org/
workshops), and there you can obtain test data and code to try our the
different packages and get a better feeling for R.

Otherwise there are some excellent introductory guides to R on the
internet, e.g.

Good luck!


On Apr 24, 9:54 pm, Myriam <myriam.peyr...@ki.se> wrote:
> Are you aware if there are any courses on how to learn, the R and
> Aroma programs, for a simple biologist like me who needs it now and in
> the coming near future? Somewhere in Europe would be best?
> Thank you for any information,
> Myriam
> Myriam Peyrard, PhD
> Karolinska Institutet
> Dept. of BioNut at NOVUM
> 141 57 Huddinge
> Sweden
> myriam.peyr...@ki.se
> +46-(0)-8-6089118
> +46-(0)-708 345423
When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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