
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
<julie....@umassmed.edu> wrote:
> Henrik,
> Thanks so much for developing such a useful package!
> I have followed the instructions on http://www.aroma-project.org/.
> A list of copy numbers for all samples and units were generated. Now I want
> to annotate the copy number estimate C with SNPs and gene names. Could you
> please shed some light on how to proceed?
> theta.ALL.BCR.ABL <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:length(cesN$Names),
> function(i){
>    ce <- getFile(cesN, i)
>    theta <- extractTheta(ce)
> }
> ))

Instead of doing the above, just do:

theta.ALL.BCR.ABL <- extractTheta(cesN, drop=TRUE);

(assuming that you are doing total CN analysis, i.e. combineAlleles=TRUE.)

> ceR <- getAverageFile(cesN.r, verbose=verbose)
> thetaR <- extractTheta(ceR)
> thetaR = as.vector(thetaR)

Instead, just do:

thetaR <- extractTheta(ceR, drop=TRUE);

> C <- 2*theta.ALL.BCR.ABL/thetaR

To add the CDF unit names as rownames, just do:

unf <- getUnitNamesFile(cesN);  # This will for Affymetrix be the CDF
rownames(C) <- getUnitNames(unf);

which gives:

              GSM226867 GSM226868 GSM226869 GSM226870
SNP_A-1512786  2.009220  2.438844  1.889013  1.782385
SNP_A-1512840  1.149404  1.741206  1.759043  2.096061
SNP_A-1513972  2.038601  2.077377  1.623648  1.530445

Hope this helps


> Thanks so much for your kind help!
> Best regards,
> Julie

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version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
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