
before anything else, what's your sessionInfo() after


On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 2:35 AM, Clara Tang <clara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to perform cross platform normalization for CytoScan and Omni
> using MSCN but the program stops after smoothing. I imported the Affymetrix
> raw intensity data and called the totalCn and Baf using CRMAv2 and CalMate.
> LogR ratio (log2 scale) and BAF were extracted using GenomeStudio for Omni
> and imported as 2^LRR*2 and BAF into .total.asb and .fracB.asb respectively.
> Plotting the CN indicated similar level of mean intensities for both
> platforms (CN~1) and thereby I proceeded to perform the mscn. Smoothing
> looks normal but after that, the program seemed to stop while
> backtransforming.
> May I know how I can overcome the error of  smooth.spline(sKK, lambda,
> ...)?? What's wrong in my data?
> Thanks a lot!!!!!!
> --Clara
> P.S. Log file is pasted as below,
> =====================================================
> dsNList <- process(mscn, verbose=log)
> 20140427 17:06:46|Multi-source normalize all samples...
> 20140427 17:06:46| Number of unique samples in all sets: 8
>   chr [1:8] "9C" "9C-2" "2C" "2C-2" "4C" ...
> 20140427 17:06:46| Processing each array...
> 20140427 17:06:46|  Sample #1 ('9C') of 8...
> 20140427 17:06:46|   Identifying source data files...
> 20140427 17:06:46|    Getting list tuple of data files for one sample...
> 20140427 17:06:46|     Sample name: 9C
> 20140427 17:06:47|     Number of arrays: 2
> 20140427 17:06:47|    Getting list tuple of data files for one sample...done
>     [[1]]
>     AromaUnitTotalCnBinaryFile:
>     Name: 9C
>     Tags: total
>     Full name: 9C,total
>     Pathname:
> totalAndFracBData/Cytoscan,ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY,AVG,FLN,-XY,CMTN,v2/CytoScanHD_Array/9C,total.asb
>     File size: 10.77 MB (11288937 bytes)
>     RAM: 0.01 MB
>     Number of data rows: 2822125
>     File format: v1
>     Dimensions: 2822125x1
>     Column classes: double
>     Number of bytes per column: 4
>     Footer: <createdOn>20140421 18:35:53
> HKT</createdOn><platform>Affymetrix</platform><chipType>CytoScanHD_Array</chipType><srcFile><srcDataSet>Cytoscan,ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-XY,AVG,FLN,-XY</srcDataSet><srcChipType>CytoScanHD_Array,monocell</srcChipType><srcFullName>9C,chipEffects</srcFullName><srcChecksum>7d70e31c6aa60b7d8664373333ad5452</srcChecksum></srcFile>
>     Platform: Affymetrix
>     Chip type: CytoScanHD_Array
>     [[2]]
>     AromaUnitTotalCnBinaryFile:
>     Name: 9C
>     Tags:9C,ratio,total
>     Full name: 9C,9C,ratio,total
>     Pathname: totalAndFracBData/Omni/HumanOmni2.5/9C,9C,ratio,total.asb
>     File size: 9.08 MB (9519600 bytes)
>     RAM: 0.01 MB
>     Number of data rows: 2379855
>     File format: v1
>     Dimensions: 2379855x1
>     Column classes: double
>     Number of bytes per column: 4
>     Footer: <createdOn>20140427 16:14:31
> HKT</createdOn><platform>Illumina</platform><chipType>HumanOmni2.5</chipType>
>     Platform: Illumina
>     Chip type: HumanOmni2.5
> 20140427 17:06:47|   Identifying source data files...done
> 20140427 17:06:47|   Check if all arrays are already normalized...
> 20140427 17:06:47|    Is done: FALSE
> 20140427 17:06:47|   Check if all arrays are already normalized...done
> 20140427 17:06:47|   Fitting model...
> 20140427 17:06:47|    Fitting one sample across multiple sources...
> 20140427 17:06:47|     Number of arrays: 2
> 20140427 17:06:47|     Sample name: 9C
>      List of 4
>       $ subsetToFit    : int [1:28781] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
>       $ fitUgp         :Classes 'AromaUgpFile',
> 'AromaUnitChromosomeTabularBinaryFile', 'AromaUnitTabularBinaryFile',
> 'UnitAnnotationDataFile', 'AromaMicroarrayTabularBinaryFile',
> 'AromaPlatformInterface', 'AromaTabularBinaryFile', 'FileCacheKeyInterface',
> 'CacheKeyInterface', 'GenericTabularFile', 'ColumnNamesInterface',
> 'GenericDataFile', 'FullNameInterface', 'Object'  atomic [1:1] NA
>        .. ..- attr(*, ".env")=<environment: 0x3c8f518>
>       $ align          : chr "byChromosome"
>       $ targetDimension: int 1
> 20140427 17:06:47|     Getting list tuple of data files for one sample...
> 20140427 17:06:47|      Sample name: 9C
> 20140427 17:06:47|      Number of arrays: 2
> 20140427 17:06:47|     Getting list tuple of data files for one
> sample...done
>      List of 2
>       $ :Classes 'AromaUnitTotalCnBinaryFile', 'CopyNumberDataFile',
> 'AromaUnitSignalBinaryFile', 'AromaPlatformInterface',
> 'AromaTabularBinaryFile', 'FileCacheKeyInterface', 'CacheKeyInterface',
> 'GenericTabularFile', 'ColumnNamesInterface', 'GenericDataFile',
> 'FullNameInterface', 'Object'  atomic [1:1] NA
>        .. ..- attr(*, ".env")=<environment: 0x67be7f0>
>       $ :Classes 'AromaUnitTotalCnBinaryFile', 'CopyNumberDataFile',
> 'AromaUnitSignalBinaryFile', 'AromaPlatformInterface',
> 'AromaTabularBinaryFile', 'FileCacheKeyInterface', 'CacheKeyInterface',
> 'GenericTabularFile', 'ColumnNamesInterface', 'GenericDataFile',
> 'FullNameInterface', 'Object'  atomic [1:1] NA
>        .. ..- attr(*, ".env")=<environment: 0x36d2f48>
> 20140427 17:06:47|     Extracting data...
> 20140427 17:06:47|      Subset of units used for fitting:
>        int [1:28781] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
>        num [1:28781, 1:2] 0.561 0.566 0.798 0.861 0.81 ...
>              V1                V2
>        Min.   :-0.7285   Min.   :-1.9090
>        1st Qu.: 0.9677   1st Qu.: 0.9403
>        Median : 0.9842   Median : 0.9838
>        Mean   : 0.9805   Mean   : 0.9898
>        3rd Qu.: 0.9995   3rd Qu.: 1.0340
>        Max.   : 1.3343   Max.   : 1.9075
>        NA's   :1865      NA's   :1934
> 20140427 17:06:48|     Extracting data...done
> 20140427 17:06:48|     Fitting across-source normalization function...
> 20140427 17:06:48|      Estimator for principal curves:
>       function (Y, ...)
>        - attr(*, "smoother")=function (lambda, xj, ...)
>        - attr(*, "df")= num 5
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Fitting time:
>          user  system elapsed
>        63.884   0.008  64.062
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Direction of fitted curve ('lambda') was flipped
> such that it increases with the signal.
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Processing time: 64.1 seconds
>       List of 7
>        $ s              : num [1:28781, 1:2] 0.652 0.652 0.665 NA 0.836 ...
>        $ tag            : num [1:28781] 15371 15372 7262 NA 15373 ...
>        $ lambda         : num [1:28781] 1.99 1.99 1.93 NA 1.38 ...
>        $ dist           : num 31.6
>        $ converged      : logi TRUE
>        $ nbrOfIterations: int 6
>        $ call           : language principal.curve(x = X, smoother = ..1,
> trace = trace)
>        - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "PrincipalCurve" "principal.curve"
>        - attr(*, "processingTime")=Class 'proc_time'  Named num [1:5] 63.8
> 0.004 63.975 0 0
>         .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "user.self" "sys.self" "elapsed"
> "user.child" ...
> 20140427 17:07:52|     Fitting across-source normalization function...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|     Calculating shift for each chromosome...
> 20140427 17:07:52|      align=byChromosome
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Chromosomes: 1-25
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Grouping units by chromosome...
>        List of 24
>         $ Chr01: int [1:2472] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
>         $ Chr02: int [1:2434] 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481
> 2482 ...
>         $ Chr03: int [1:1995] 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915
> 4916 ...
>         $ Chr04: int [1:1917] 6902 6903 6904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910
> 6911 ...
>         $ Chr05: int [1:1810] 8819 8820 8821 8822 8823 8824 8825 8826 8827
> 8828 ...
>         $ Chr06: int [1:1709] 10629 10630 10631 10632 10633 10634 10635
> 10636 10637 10638 ...
>         $ Chr07: int [1:1589] 12338 12339 12340 12341 12342 12343 12344
> 12345 12346 12347 ...
>         $ Chr08: int [1:1463] 13927 13928 13929 13930 13931 13932 13933
> 13934 13935 13936 ...
>         $ Chr09: int [1:1405] 15390 15391 15392 15393 15394 15395 15396
> 15397 15398 15399 ...
>         $ Chr10: int [1:1355] 16795 16796 16797 16798 16799 16800 16801
> 16802 16803 16804 ...
>         $ Chr11: int [1:1350] 18150 18151 18152 18153 18154 18155 18156
> 18157 18158 18159 ...
>         $ Chr12: int [1:1335] 19500 19501 19502 19503 19504 19505 19506
> 19507 19508 19509 ...
>         $ Chr13: int [1:1142] 20835 20836 20837 20838 20839 20840 20841
> 20842 20843 20844 ...
>         $ Chr14: int [1:1064] 21977 21978 21979 21980 21981 21982 21983
> 21984 21985 21986 ...
>         $ Chr15: int [1:1004] 23041 23042 23043 23044 23045 23046 23047
> 23048 23049 23050 ...
>         $ Chr16: int [1:900] 24045 24046 24047 24048 24049 24050 24051 24052
> 24053 24054 ...
>         $ Chr17: int [1:817] 24945 24946 24947 24948 24949 24950 24951 24952
> 24953 24954 ...
>         $ Chr18: int [1:778] 25762 25763 25764 25765 25766 25767 25768 25769
> 25770 25771 ...
>         $ Chr19: int [1:639] 26540 26541 26542 26543 26544 26545 26546 26547
> 26548 26549 ...
>         $ Chr20: int [1:637] 27179 27180 27181 27182 27183 27184 27185 27186
> 27187 27188 ...
>         $ Chr21: int [1:470] 27816 27817 27818 27819 27820 27821 27822 27823
> 27824 27825 ...
>         $ Chr22: int [1:496] 28286 28287 28288 28289 28290 28291 28292 28293
> 28294 28295 ...
>         $ Chr23: int [1:1550] 28782 28783 28784 28785 28786 28787 28788
> 28789 28790 28791 ...
>         $ Chr24: int [1:578] 30332 30333 30334 30335 30336 30337 30338 30339
> 30340 30341 ...
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Grouping units by chromosome...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Allocating matrix for smooth data...
> 20140427 17:07:52|       RAM: 494760 bytes
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Allocating matrix for smooth data...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Loading and backtransforming *smoothed* data...
> 20140427 17:07:52|       Source #1 ('9C,total') of 2...
> 20140427 17:07:52|        Loading smoothed data...
>           num [1:30910] 0.561 0.566 0.798 0.861 0.81 ...
> 20140427 17:07:52|        Loading smoothed data...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|        Backtransforming smoothed data...
> Error in smooth.spline(sKK, lambda, ...) :
>   missing or infinite values in inputs are not allowed
> 20140427 17:07:52|        Backtransforming smoothed data...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|       Source #1 ('9C,total') of 2...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|      Loading and backtransforming *smoothed* data...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|     Calculating shift for each chromosome...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|    Fitting one sample across multiple sources...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|   Fitting model...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|  Sample #1 ('9C') of 8...done
> 20140427 17:07:52| Processing each array...done
> 20140427 17:07:52|Multi-source normalize all samples...done
> --
> --
> When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest
> version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and
> traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "aroma.affymetrix" group with website http://www.aroma-project.org/.
> To post to this group, send email to aroma-affymetrix@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe and other options, go to http://www.aroma-project.org/forum/
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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