Ah! Finally a sensible mail out here! I agree with you!

But tell me one thing, what's the 'fact' behind the song 'Dekho Na'?

kaissiom wrote:
Well, given the large number of members in this group, it is imminent
that there are going to be disagreements.   It is just amazing, a week
ago, there was barely any activity in the group, and now the group is
exploding with messages, messages that are just responses to other
"opinionated" messages.  I can feel the excitement among the
every time a new Rahman album is out.  But I think it will be the best
to control our emotions and opinions at least for a week or two after
a release.  Messages like "disappointing", just hours after
release of album, sure hurt sentiments of many members.  It takes a
good soul to absorb and understand good music, the kind Mr. Rahman
produces.  We should not act in haste and comment on an album just
after the first listening.  I have been continuously listening to the
Rising since past three days, and I still don't think I could
on it.  I have barely absorbed it.   We all know how Rahman's
works like a slow poison.  My ratings for each of the songs from
Rising has been constantly changing.  Sometimes I like one song the
best, next time it is some other song.

To call a Rahman's album "disappointing", essentially
means we rather
Rahman had not done it.  Rising is definitely not disappointing.
There are tons of albums he has done, how many of those do you wish he
should have never created.  NONE, there is got to be at least one song
you cherish dearly from each album.  Rahman is like the goose with the
golden egg, we should reap the benefits of it, while we have it.

It is also important that we keep the director factor in mind when we
analyze his music, not just the director, the budget, the story, the
aim and the requirements of the song.  There was some disappointment
amongst the members when they heard "Dekho na" from Swades,
the entire song was reused.  The disappointment vanished once the fact
behind the matter was revealed. 

If you guys notice, I have still not given my ratings or review of
Rising, I'm still immersing myself in it.  The very catchy Mangal
Mangal, even Ismail Darbar can learn from the complex tablas in Main
vari vari,.  Holi re is a classic melody with a catchy tune, I still
haven't deciphered Rasiya, it is so intense.  Takey takey is a
song with a serious message if you get it, Al madath Maula is an
ecstasy, you need to be at a different plane to experience this song.
  Every song is unique, experimental, Rahmanisque.  I just hope we
start acting maturely in the group and not come to quick conclusions
that trigger flood of messages.  And finally, I just hope Aa Aah and
Water do not suffer the same fate as Rising has in this group.

Sorry about the long message, I had to express myself, especially
after thet rk_rathiman message.

What say?

This August, Discover the Birth of Your Independence
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Mangal Pandey - The Rising
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