Hello Ajit,

In my opinion Baazi laga is a terrific song. I am not sad that most of the
group is not liking the song. Infact makes me proud that there only a few of
us left who are on the same level in the journey with ARR ;)


On 12/6/06, Ajit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  If you go to the main website of Guru, all the songs have photos next
to them except for Baazi Laga. Makes me wonder if Mani even included
this song in the film. If not, why is such an ordinary song in the
album in the first place?? Maybe how it's used in the film is a
surprise....who knows. But, if it's not in the film, it's one song
that could have been omitted or at least replaced with a better
composition IMO. But, hey, that's Rahman's and Mani's choice so we
have to respect that.

I'm really looking forward to this film. Hope Mani made an
interesting plot and tight story, not just a documentary style
film......which would turn away cine-goers. Hope for the best!

Glad to know the music is doing well.


Gomtesh V Upadhye

Cell     : +91 988 675 3639


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