Hi Sunder and Everybody,
very well said ya i agree that u love ARR and his music and i have the same
feelings about  him there is no one day that i never missed him and his
i only listen to him becoz i dont get enough time becoz until i listen all
his songs
time get consumed but still i say "tomorrow never dies" isnt it..  ;)
any way i am also saying that no one should compare him with anybody else
and waste our surfing time simply in reading and deleting such silly
i request the group moderator to filter the messages and only messages that
my "Lord of the Musica"

On 20 Mar 2007 18:52:15 -0700, Sunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi Everybody

I am a serious lover of ARR, infact i started loving mosic only because of
him. I am sure almost everyone in this group would be the same. I recently
joined this great group(a month ago), from the day i joined I am seeing lot
of such mails with so many negative thoughts some way or the other
critisizing ARR's work. For those who doesnt know the difference between ARR
and other music director is that ARR creates music while others compose
music. There is lot of difference between creating and composing. Even
nowadays many mobiles has the feature of composing your own music using some
inbuilt sound bits like drums,keyboard and so on. That also creates good
sound, it doesnt mean that you hace created the music, it is just composing.

 Every music director 8 out of 10 does this kind of work(composing). A
true music album is one when all the songs becomes hit. ARR album would
contain all kinds of music right from fast beat number to a heart melting
melody number. Even in beat songs you can hear the good beats that would
make you tap your legs and some would make you dance rather than close your
ears as it is the in most cases with other music directors.

You people may be wonderring why am i telling this all these stories! This
is to make people realise what is music all about, how much creativity oen
should have to create a music, not only once but do it consistently all over
the years right from 1992(roja) to till date. No one needs to expalin how
much he achieved over the years, and still being humble is really great.

So stop comparing with other music directors with ARR and let us be mature
enough and discuss something realted to music. If our boss comes to know all
these non sense he would really feel for this, afterall we are here to
support him not to make him feel.

I agree with Mr.Kumaran, i also request the moderators to look out for the
rotten eggs which are spoiling the entire group.
Lets be united and share our music experience and above all enjoy our BOSS

Waiting for your comments.

*Kumaran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

My thots excatly thulasi. My sincere request to this group's moderator is
to filter all messages in the future and delete this kind of irrelevent and
idiotic topics as well as kick out those who does not deserve to be in this
group. This group is for the true fans of ARR who live and breathe his music
and lover's of gud music. Sometimes i feel it is this kind of people who has
brought down the quality of music by telling -ve things in various
forums/groups/blogs,etc and this indirectly has hurt ARR's music and his
movies. It's high time we put a stop to this menace.




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