Sahana Saaral Thoovudho It definitely does, as long as I am concerned. And
the Sahara now has a valley of flowers.
Though the songs of Sivaji were released by some nitwit on the internet, and
there were comments to my earlier blogs asking if I had sung the song. I
resolutely kept them unanswered and refrained from publishing them as well.
It has always been a practice not to mention the songs I have recorded,
until they release. Several changes happen in the interim, lyrics change,
singers change, and in some cases the song is entirely removed, as has been
the case with a few songs that I have sung. Sometimes, it might hamper the
flow of the movie, or it may be scrapped for reasons best known to the main
people behind the movie.
It is pretty tough to explain to people that I don't want to talk about what
I am working on, but then can't blame those who want to know.

The songs from Sivaji have been getting non stop airtime, thanks to all the
FM Stations here, and a lot of people seem to have heard and have nice
things to say about 'Sahana'.

I am told, I sound way different in this one as well, and all credits, as
ever shall go to Rahman Anna.

And hope your best wishes and blessings will be with me.

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