Hi fellow group mate,
                                Can you pls share with us in detail, how to 
extract this dvd audio?.. Also I missed ur previous posts regarding ripping 
voiceless bgms...
Why u hesitate to share with us all these stuffs?.. Not everyone in this grp 
may be having this sound technical knowldge & equipments to rip all these..
So i ask u to pls reconsider ur decision on this...

kaissiom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  Hello 
 It was a couple of years back that I accidentally or unintentionally
 came across a method of fetching *voiceless* BGMs.  And
 co-incidentally, at around the same time our dear friend AJ (where are
 you AJ?)  also discovered another way of doing the same thing.  It was
 music to the ears and treat for the fans.  We've come a long way
 since, many other wonderful people in the group have joined the BGM
 frenzy since.  I admit, I have become selfish enough to keep the newer
 BGMs to myself for quite some time now, but there are multiple reasons
 for that, which could be the subject of a whole another topic.  But
 this time around, it's another breakthrough, DVD-Quality music.
 In my personal opinion, in this "i-pod" age, there are 3 types of
 music listeners in general:
 A) People that are size conscious (due to the limitations of the
 hard-drive on their i-pod/computer)
 B) People that are quality conscious (want the best quality regardless
 of size)
 C) People that are neither type-A nor type-B and basically have no
 preference and could care less about the technical details.
 Well, I happen to be a hardcore type-B person.  And if you happen to
 be type-B, carry on reading, and if you are not type-B, but still
 interested, you are also welcome.
 I could care less about the size on my hard-drive, as long as I can
 grab hold of the highest quality Rahman music out there.  It is a
 pretty straight forward logic, as the size of the song goes down, the
 quality goes down.  Although, the 5 MB, 128 kpbs song sounds great and
 you can't tell the difference on your ipod, the difference becomes
 quite noticeable on a hi-fi system or when playing the music on loud
 volume.  I personally store Rahman's music at the highest quality on
 my computer or my "ipod" (I actually don't like ipods, I have a
 Creative Zen M, if you want quality, I would recommend Creative).  The
 huge file sizes do reduce the number of songs I can have, but going
 with a bigger HD takes care of that problem.
 So, in my pursuit of "high quality" Rahman music, I had yet another
 breakthrough… DVD-Quality music.  I have been quietly, one at a time,
 ripping DVD music of all of my Rahman DVDs.  Let's not forget that we
 already have the highest-quality audio available in the market for
 these movies in form of original Audio CDs.  But the DVD audio I'm
 ripping is unarguably superior.  I now have 3 x  each of Rahman's
 songs.  1) in highest quality mp3 format, 2) in Audio CD format, 3) in
 DVD music format.  Yes, call me a Rah-maniac, when I said I'm a
 hardcore type-B person, I meant it.
 Just based on simple logic of relation between file size and quality
 here's how they stack up: Example, Chotti si Aasha from Roja, run
 time: Approximately 5 minutes.
 1) Highest quality mp3 format, 320 kbps:
 File Size(approx.): 11.3 MB
 2) Audio CD, wav format:
 File Size(approx.): 48.3 MB
 3) DVD-Quality audio, wma format:
 File Size(approx.): 81.2 MB
 Well, does it really make a difference?  You have to listen to it to
 believe it.  You can hear all the minute details and all instruments
 in back quite clearly.  The highs are sharper and the basses are
 lower.  I mean I could talk all about it, but unless you hear it, you
 won't know.
 Well, assuming that we are all Rahman fans on this group, and assuming
 that all of the "fans" should at least have Roja in their collection,
 I'm hesitantly willing to sharing ONE song from Roja in DVD quality.  
 Why you may ask?  Because I would hate to keep the gem to myself.  It
 is an experience every fan should experience.  I can not describe it
 in words...the joy of listening to Roja, Chor Chor, Bombay, Sapnay,
 Duet, etc. in DVD Quality music.  
 What triggered my quest for this High-quality sound was that one post
 on this group, where someone posted a Thiruda Thiruda song and claimed
 it was DVD audio.  I got excited, downloaded it, listened to it and I
 could swear it can not be DVD quality audio, because the sound on the
 Audio CD was definitely better.  That was it! I decided to find out
 what DVD quality audio would really sound like.  I'm actually very
 happy with my discovery, although it means more hard-drive space.  But
 I know sooner or later someone in this group will post more of these,
 just like the BGMs.  
 The other beauty of this DVD-quality music is that it is in wma format
 and can be burned on to a regular CD and played on any system that
 plays burned CDs. Essentially, you burned CD will have the version of
 the song that is better(quality) than the version on original CD.  I
 recommend you burn this song and listen to it in a hi-fi system if
 possible or using a decent pair of headphones (B&O, Sennheiser, Bose,
 SHURE)  And if you can't listen to it on a hi-fi system now, you could
 probably keep it for future use.
 But before I post anything, I was not even sure if anyone would
 actually be interested in this high-quality audio.  I mean I truly
 don't know if people care about quality or size for that matter or is
 it just me?  Why post something and waste bandwidth if people don't
 really care?  So, I thought.. what better way to find out than to ask
 the group itself?
 So, if you are interested in this song at all, reply to this post or
 reply to my email.
 WARNING: (From my own experience) Negative side-effects of listening
 to high-quality audio sound for prolonged period of time include but
 are not limited to:  increased craving of high quality audio, dislike
 or even deletion of your mp3 file library, and last but not the
 least.. pure indulgence.  You have been warned!!
 I love Rahman.
 *NOTE: (for the audio-junkies)
 The audio I'm referring to is DVD-quality audio, not to be confused
 with DVD-Audio.  It is not in 5.1 Sorround Sound.  It is high-quality
 Stereo Audio with R/L programming.  Having 5.1 SS programming would
 mean you would have to burn it on a DVD.  But I rip it using 2.1
 setting, so it is in Stereo .wma format and can be burned onto a blank
 CD, because the CD-muic burning logic only considers *time* while
 burning and not size.  More questions? Feel free to contact me, I love
 to share the joy :)

  With Best Regards,
  Nithin Sujathan

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