hey krishna

"I was really shocked, it was like A. R. Rahman used these samples but
played them in adifferent range! it sounds like a complete lift! Even
the beat measure of this sample is a clear copy of the rythm used by
A. R. Rahman in "Munbe Munbe Vaa"!!!"

Then y the hell wer u shocked to see that rahman has used a sample in his
song if u already knw that every other MD u knw is using the samples.....the
way u presented the mail was something like rahman did a big sin in using
that sample.....just shw that mail to someone else and they wud say "rahman
is a copy cat....and bla bla"...Now may i ask u sir.....wat was ur so called
intention in sending that mail?????.

On 7/30/07, Krishna None <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Are you guys stupid or what???
> Whenever did i said that it was dumb or stupid from A. R. Rahman to use
> these samplea???
> When did I said that no MD's or producers / dj's uses these samples???
> When did I said that nobody may use samples?
> When did I said I'm the only composer who uses samples?
> When did I said that it is wrong to use samples?
> guys guys, girls girls...you gauys are not understanding my e-mail, i
> didn't wrote anything wron in my e-mail!
> Pls read me e-mail carefully again before replying!!!!
> I wrote in my email :"I can say, that everybody uses samples, wheter they
> are beats or
> sounds. Every producers gets inspired by some samples. Even A. R.
> Rahman, the biggist composer of these times, uses samples in his
> music arts."
> Sinds I get dumb reactions from people I would say: I will not upload the
> files untill someone read my e-mail with fairness.
> I'm a big fan of A. R. Rahman, that means that I'm not against A. Rahman
> using samples!!!! READ MY E-MAIL!!!!
> Since there are rights on the samples, i may not upload these files. If I
> do then I'm in violation wih these rights!
> I can say: Search the internet for: "Ueberschall - Da nu RnB. Hip Hop Drum
> Loops & Samples". The sample (map) which sounded like Munbe Munbe Vaa is
> called: Hip Harp.
> See for yourself.
> These are samples from Ueberschall, you can buy these and uses them for
> you're own.
> Sorry I can't upload these files cause of violoation etc. etc. etc.
> MUSIC)!!!
> Krishna
>  ------------------------------
> From: *Ashwin Kamath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
> Subject: *Re: [arr] Re: Munbe Munbe Vaa is a complete lift of a sample!*
> Date: *Mon, 30 Jul 2007 07:05:19 -0700 (PDT)*
>  I agree with Kunal....Would you say that because somebody had the "Theen
> taal" (tabla) in a song...nobody else can use it. If somebody else used it,
> would you actually be shocked. Its just a sequence of beats / notes. The
> true gift would be using it a place where it sounds not just good but great.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Kunal Rajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 12:49:05 AM
> Subject: [arr] Re: Munbe Munbe Vaa is a complete lift of a sample!
>  People make Loop CDs and sample banks specially for composers to use in
> their music. I dont think there is any composer in the world who has worked
> without samples and loops. When it is made specially for them... why not use
> it ???
> Kunal.
> Posted by: "chup_ssshhh" chup_ssshhh@ hotmail.com
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Munbe+Munbe+Vaa+is+a+complete+lift+of+a+sample%21>
> chup_ssshhh <http://profiles.yahoo.com/chup_ssshhh> Sun Jul 29, 2007
> 6:04 am (PST) A silent user here (but also a composer),
> Hi guys and girls,
> Me as a omposer do use lots of samples, not in all my music. Ofcourse
> I'm not the only one who uses these samples.
> Last month I bought a sample bank: Uberschall - Da Nu RnB, Hip Hop
> Drum Loops and Samples.
> I was really glad hearing these awesome samples....till suddenly I
> heard a simmilarity between a sample song called "Hip Harp" and Munbe
> Munbe Vaa!!!
> I was really shocked, it was like A. R. Rahman used these samples but
> played them in adifferent range! it sounds like a complete lift! Even
> the beat measure of this sample is a clear copy of the rythm used by
> A. R. Rahman in "Munbe Munbe Vaa"!!!
> I like you guys to hear these samples, but pls give me a good link
> where i can upload these files.
> I can say, that everybody uses samples, wheter they are beats or
> sounds. Every producers gets inspired by some samples. Even A. R.
> Rahman, the biggist composer of these times, uses samples in his
> music arts.
> Do not reply stupidness untill you heared these samples, otherwise you
> are fooling yourself and others. First listen to the sample and then
> give you're opinion.
> Sorry for my bad English:P
> Krishna
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