Dear fren..

dont take it as an insultment, just consider it as a stupidity of the editor
himself, who is unable to compare Music and circus. we should feel pity for
the poor editor who have lack of knowledge and the newspaper itself because
they dont have a proper editor. The best action we can take is, buy a ticket
for a circus and let him watch it. Then only he can understand the
difference of Ring master and a composer.

AR Rahman DJs

On 28/08/2007, vju_shah2006 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   In jana gana mana controversy one of the editor of Gujarat Samachar
> newspaper has insulted the GOD of music telling him that in the video
> he looks like a 'ring master'...The editor's name is Mr. Kantilal we
> must take serious action against this shameful act...please reply

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