i think v shld nt pay attention to all these comments....v all admire nd 
respect the grt man for wat work he does....nd watever he does he does frm his 
heart...nd v all members jst love him for tat...m nt spkng nythng against ny of 
the member or dnt intend to hurt ny unintentonally....dnt take me wrng 
guys...tat is wht he thinks...nd he has his own will nd rght to do so...lets 
keep our calm nd ignore such comments...coz the grt man will do wat he always 
does...answer thm wth his hrt music....jst ignore dude....

Muktak Kanjilal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Just ignore.... that is the best action we can take

vju_shah2006 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       In jana gana mana controversy one 
of the editor of Gujarat Samachar 
newspaper has insulted the GOD of music telling him that in the video 
he looks like a 'ring master'...The editor's name is Mr. Kantilal we 
must take serious action against this shameful act...please reply

      Muktak Kanjilal

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