Hey Dinesh !
  lol !! Agreed to your words - hmmmm....u only dun see them discussing on PP 
album, but i dun see any discussion on ARR's southern album ...unless the album 
just got released or so.....
  Here too feeling the same. Regards Pavan

Dinesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Yes, a matter of fact, PP album was an extraodinaire album by ARR in the year 
2001.... it was simply mind blowing, i think Anbe Sugama was worth mentioning 
1st, love the feel the song has.... and the experimental numbers like Love 
Check, Nadhirdhinna & Moondrezhutu....

hmmmm....u only dun see them discussing on PP album, but i dun see any
discussion on ARR's southern album ...unless the album just got released or 


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