I'm glad dat ARR is doing d BGM. Even though he was given very short period of 
time to BGM for ATM, he managed to do it nicely. So if he is given ample time 
as Sivaji, no doubt....ARR's BGM will b standing out.  Proof ???  Sivaji. It 
had world class BGM. Provided Kamal comes out all guns blazing....Dasavatharam 
has d chance to be bigger than Sivaji with execellent BGM score. There is an 
interesting trend growing in Tamil cinema...If u wan your movie to be 
internationally acclaimed, go for ARR...he will make it noticed at world 
stage....So many times he has proved it.....Juz waiting for the 
confirmation....Mayb Gopal can inform us if ARR is doing d BGM.....


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