We can say that downloading music is illegal or immoral or watever but..
Lets get real. Downloading is there at many levels which we cannot deny.
But what is more important is to actually buy the CD as soon as it is
available to you ..may be within 2-3 weeks.
One shud not change their minds on buying the original after they
get hold of good quality mp3s.



--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "adrcc2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ppl, idea which is the fastest way to get hold of an original CD of JA
> for someone like me who lives in France.  I can only count on online
> shopping here but if it takes 3 weeks for the CD to arrive, I'm sure
> i'd have downloaded it by then.
> As much as i respect Rahman sahb, who can help me from turning bad?

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