Historical epics may have fallen out of favour in the last fewdecades—who could 
outdo Mughal-e-Azam?-- but they used to be a stapleof our early cinema, so the 
genre has its own indigenous roots; whichis why there is no reason to compare 
Jodhaa Akbar with Hollywoodsword-and-sandal epics, but does it measure to the 
standards set by ourown cinema?

Yes,as far as grandeur and language is concerned, not so much when it cometo 
sheer drama and poetry that makes film buffs still admire the workof Sohrab 
Modi—the underrated king of the Costume Drama-- earlyShantaram and, of course, 
K Asif, whose excellence ironically soundedthe death knell for the historical.

Ashutosh Gowariker’s film isa throw back to that era of costume spectacles, and 
he had the modernconveniences of colour and computer technology. It takes 
courage tomake a film like that at a time when attention spans are limited, 
andthe purity of the Urdu and Hindi have all but been abandoned for‘Hinglish’ 
and ‘Bambaiya’ dialogue and lyrics.

It is not hard tosee why Gowariker is tempted by the idea of making an 
epic—what elsecould he do to surpass the magnitude of Lagaan, except costume 
drama orsci-fi? That’s why it is perhaps disappointing that Gowariker’s 
visiondoes not match his scale. 

It is his prerogative to meld anentirely fictional love story with a 
semi-historical account of Akbaras a young man, but it is an uneasy mix. While 
the love story betweenthe emperor (Hrithik Roshan) and the Rajput princess 
Jodhaa (AishwaryaRai) has moments of incandescence, the interludes of Akbar 
dealing withcourt intrigues and family conspiracies are tedious. The 
CGI-assistedbattle scenes are not just unimpressive but unnecessary.

Youwish Gowariker had reined in his Demille-ian ambitions and made a filmabout 
people belonging to two different cultures coming to understandand love each 
other, overcoming the odds. Like in the recent film onMarie Antoinette, the 
Hindu Jodhaa would have faced hostility in aMughal household. Though it is 
highly unlikely that a Rajput girlbrought up in a system as feudal and 
oppressive as that of the Mughalswould have the courage to first put forth 
conditions before marryingAkbar and then refuse to let him touch her. The fact 
that Akbar wasmarried several time and to other Rajput women, and that Jodhaa 
findsno great mention in history except as the mother of Prince Salim 
(ofAnarkali fame), shows that Gowariker’s version of what happened betweenAkbar 
and her is at the level of fairy tale.

Which by itself isnot at all bothersome, no matter what the bigots say— what is 
lackingin the film are real drama and a gripping narrative. All the scenesthat 
remain in memory are ‘items’—Akbar’s fight with a wild elephant, abare-bodied 
Akbar flexing his muscles and smirking at the wide-eyedJodhaa, the sword-fight 
between the two— there is not one memorabledramatic confrontation.

For all his greatness, Akbar is seen asa bit clueless. He has no idea, for 
instance, that under his rule Hindupilgrims have to pay tax. When he abolishes 
it, the people break into asplendidly choreographed dance, when just a while 
earlier they werecomplaining of the high price of food and repression by 
“outsiders”.When Akbar’s wet nurse (Ila Arun) tries to create a 
misunderstandingbetween him and Jodhaa, it is his mother (Poonam Sinha) who 
quiteeasily ferrets out the facts. All this and a lot more comes in the wayof 
turning Jodhaa Akbar into a masterpiece, not to mention that theso-called 
romance and marriage had no lasting impact on posterity, itjust brokered a 
fragile peace between the Rajputs and the Mughals atthe time. So only a 
flawless film could have crossed all these hurdlesand interested today’s 
audience, that is not the least attracted to thepast.

That said, Jodhaa Akbar is visually rich (a bit too much,actually), beautifully 
shot (Kiran Deohans), and you cannot imagine anyother actors except Hrithik 
Roshan and Aishwarya Rai playing theseparts. Hrithik wears his Dhoom 2 hair 
cut, but otherwise has the regalbearing of a king. She looks every inch a 
princess. The rest of thecast, unfortunately, look like they have strolled out 
of one of thosecostume dramas on TV, and act as if they were on stage.

See the film by all means, just don’t go in expecting greatness.


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