'Jodhaa Akbar’: Grandeurs of the golden era

history has always mesmerized its readers with its magnificent aura by
being imprinted from historical chapters into our hearts. To an extent
where it has inspired a reminiscent revival amongst filmmakers to
cruise the viewers through this royal and magnificent era. Several
elements of power, pride and prestige have been illustrated lavishly
yet not without the essence of true love; the latter either exemplified
unconditionally like that in ''Mughal e Azam or the not so emphasized
one during the ‘golden’ era. 

AshutoshGowariker’s Jodhaa Akbar is a majestic saga of a mighty 
emperorJalaluddin Mohammad Akbar and a defiant Rajput princess Jodhaa; andtheir 
culmination of love for each other. A lot of speculation has beenmade regarding 
this particular epic. Yet the film convincingly portraysthe powerful theme 
along with other dimensions of Akbar’s noblepersonality and attitude towards 
treachery, injustice and plight of ourcountry.

Set in the 16th century, thefilm starts by showcasing Jalaluddin 
Mohammad(Hrithik Roshan) at a verytender age being exposed to wars and 
bloodshed and winning. Hisstrategy of strengthening relations with the Rajput 
kings propels KingBharmal (Khulbhushan) of Amer to offer his daughter Jodhaa’s 
(AishwaryaRai) hand to the emperor. The alliance proves to be an arduous task 
ashe tries to woo the headstrong princess and goes all out to fulfill hertwo 
conditions as well. 

What initiallystarts off as a political gain and merger to consolidate his 
kingdomtakes a different turn altogether as this romance blossoms slowly likea 
bud into a blooming flower. Acting as an illuminating eye openerJalaluddin 
learns a thing or two about winning over people and hisqueen than just mere 
battles. It brings out the greatness in theemperor which showcases nothing less 
than his winning streak in everyaspect as he earns the title of ‘Akbar the 
great’. Amidst all this isthe display of deception, chicanery, 
misunderstandings and greed fromvarious sources which is all warred against 
with wrestling combatsresulting in a triumphant victory accompanied with 

JodhaaAkbar is astounding and makes the audiences spell bound with its 
lavishsets and glorious costumes and jewellery. The entire lighting,background 
scores, extravagant appearance, power packed performancesmakes one feel that 
the time machine has transported one back to theglittering period of the 

HrithikRoshan is absolutely brilliant as the valiant Akbar and gets into 
theskin of the character so much that it makes one visualize him as noneless 
than the historical character whom he portrays.. Aishwariya Raifits into the 
shoes of the fiery Jodhaa and gives a fabulousperformance as well. Rest of the 
cast is equally awe inspiring. Musicby A.R.Rahman doesn’t disappoint and the 
background scores arefantastic. Ashutosh Gowariker indeed has produced a 
stupendous filmwhich not only portrays romance but lessons that many can imbibe 
intothe present day scenario. 

Some of thesequences in the film deserve a special mention which sends 
implausiblegoose bumps amongst the audience. The one where Jalaluddin is taming 
awild elephant portrays the dangerous game of life and death and isprofoundly 
shot in a way that propels an enthusiastic round ofappreciative claps.

The two conditionscommunicated by Jodhaa to the emperor eliciting a mixed 
reaction ofamusement and bewilderment in the latter are portrayed with 
tremendouscoy and conviction. Agreeing heartily to her unwillingness to 
converther religion and a request for a small shrine in the palace exhibitshis 
liberal, unconventional and secular attributes; a rarity especiallyin that era. 
Also the sword sequence between Jodhaa and Akbar where thelatter is wooing her 
back to his kingdom after a tiff; proves to beromantic in its own manner and 
portrays the clash of egos rather thanthe tinkering of the weapons.

Putting hisnation above everything his righteous and valiant stance is 
exhibitedeven if it means wrestling a mighty combat with Sharifuddin Hussain 
hisbrother in law. Uttering this dialogue 'Hum Hindustan ko galat haatonmein 
jaate nahin dekh sakta' sends cheers and thunderous applauses.

Prodigiousqualities of the emperor are displayed exquisitely as those of 
theunique jewels adorned on his crown. Unlike other Afghan kings, hisinterest 
lay in the welfare of India and showering it with prosperityinstead of 
plundering wealth of its rightful abode. Flourishing thecountry and addressing 
queries of the common man, his golden heart wasexhibited unmistakably in such 
instances. Though he lost his heart toJodhaa its golden essence remained along 
with the nine gems in hiscourt-‘Navaratna’.

Though the duration ofthis film may prove to be a limitation and tests the 
patience levels ofits viewers, it is definitely a must watch as it is bound to 
fall intothe caliber of good arty films. No doubt it depicts the grandeurs 
ofthe 'Mughal' golden era.


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