Please read this big incident happened in my life if you have little 

I'm a silent member in this group. I'm Rajith 29 years, married, 
working as a Sales executive in a Glass company here in Sharjah. I 
know that I'm too late to post this, but coz of my busy schedule in 
my job I couldn't post this, sorry. I'm a crazy fan of Rahman Sir 
and always I listen his music with my MP3 player which I carry out 
always with me. I cant sit without his music for a minute. Mostly I 
will be in my car and I can play his CD. My wife always says with a 
smile that I love his music more than her. She also loves his music 
allot. My big aim in my life was to meet Rahman sir. When Roja 
released I was studying in 8th std. I love those songs and I planned 
to meet him or to get a job there as a driver or something else. I 
know driving very well since very young age. Let me start the story….

4 days before the Sharjah concert there was a contest started in a 
well known radio station Hit 96.7 FM Duabi. It named as `Meet and 
Greet A. R. Rahman.' It is very easy for all rahmaniacs to answer 
their question, but luck should be there also. But to qualify as a 
contestant they will ask a preliminary question. We have to answer 
it by sending msg. and they will select 2 people from the right 
answers and will start the contest with them. They will play a music 
bit from a Rahman song and we have to recognize it as which song and 
which movie. Whoever knows the correct answer they have to say their 
name and he or she has to answer it. If it is not correct then 
chance goes to the other person to answer the right one. Like this 5 
bits they will play and minimum 3 have to answer. This contest was 
going on in 3 shows for 3 days. So they will select the 9 winners 
from them and they will enter to the lucky draw. The lucky draw mega 
winner name will be announced on the day before concert (17th Apr). 
I tried from the first day itself, but I didn't have luck, 2nd day 
also passed. Third day is the last day for the contest, they already 
have had 4 winners with these 2 days. No one answered 5 questions. I 
was praying to God that atleast I want to participate the contest. 
Prayer answered, I got a call from the radio station and the show 
was going on `Fun at 1' Arjun was the RJ and he called me and told 
that be ready for the contest. I was so sure that I can answer all 
his questions. I answered the 5 and I was the only one who answered 
the 5. Now tomorrow is the lucky draw and only 5 people qualified 
for that. I thought they will announce my name as the mega winner, 
coz I answered all the 5. But they want to select the winner through 
lucky draw only. My mind was still saying that I'm the winner and I 
will meet Rahman Sir. UNFORTUNATELY, the winner was not me, it was a 
Smitha. They said congrats to her on-air and I became too much 
upset. I couldn't eat or sleep, coz I was expecting that much. But I 
thought anyway I will meet him. I was having the VIP tickets for me 
and for my wife which I purchased on Mar 19th through online for 
seeing his performance without any obstacles. On the day of the 
concert, I told my wife that I want to buy a bouquet for him. She 
discourage me from that coz if I couldn't get a chance to give that 
then I will be more sad than now. But I told her we will meet him. I 
purchased it and I told that guy make it special this is for Rahman 
Sir. He asked me, are you sure? I replied yes. By collecting that I 
wanted to go to see the cricket stadium what is going on there, 
maybe sir will be there also. We both went there and no one was 
there some banner works only was going on there. I saw the VIP area 
where we have to sit, but it is a little bit far away from the front 
stage. Anyway we spend there 30 minutes and returned home. I didn't 
sleep last night and didn't eat also. This morning also I skipped my 
breakfast. When I reached home I prayed allot. The only way to see 
Rahman Sir now is through something like a miracle to happen. I 
started posting msgs to our group says that we will meet eachother 
before the concert and together we will meet our BOSS. I was sure 
that he will allow our group members to meet him, as we all know. 
Some group members started calling me. You will not believe this….. 
It was about 12:30 pm I received a call from Hit FM radio station 
says that can you please come to Sharjah Cricket Stadium at 2 pm. I 
asked them why, they said that the winner Smitha for meet and greet 
con test can't participate for that. Because, this meet and greet 
was planned after the concert but Rahman Sir has to fly back to 
Chennai next day and he will be tired after the concert, and he 
himself changed this plan for 2 pm (Before concert). The winner 
informed Hit FM that she cant reach there by 2 pm and they asked her 
weather they can give this opportunity to somebody else, she said ok 
and they chosen my name as the lucky person to meet and greet Rahman 
Sir. I just couldn't believe what they said. I was out of control 
and soon got ready to go. I reached there with my wife at 1:45 and 
was waiting for Jean (He is an RJ from Hit FM who takes me for meet 
and greet). Jean reached there before 2. And we all were waiting for 
Rahman Sir. At 2:30 pm one member from Oasis promotions (They are 
the sponsers), her name is Sangeetha, came to us and said sorry, we 
can't meet him now he is busy with rehearsals and all and the 
program again changed after the concert. I was like I'm not sure 
maybe Rahman Sir will say he don't have time after the concert. 
Sangeetha also asked me that which category ticket I am having, I 
said VIP she told me that we will upgrade your ticket as VVIP. I was 
like what is going on? I forgot to take my mobile from my home coz 
of this big surprise. Show started exactly by 8:30 pm and I had my 
handy cam with me to take videos. When the 1st song played `Jaage 
hain…' when I saw him for the first time in my life in real, Oh 
God….. my hands were shivering and shaking and I couldn't even focus 
my cam properly and my heart started beating higher and higher I do 
not know what all things were happening to me. He is really a great 
person, he can only make people heart like this. I enjoyed the 
concert with my wife very well and it was a great event. When the 
concert finished Sangeetha told us to come `behind stage' and there 
we will meet and greet him. I was going `behind stage' and coz of 
the crowd we couldn't reach soon. Sangeetha asked me where were you, 
he is asking you. Oh my God!!! Sangeetha told me you can go to this 
room he is there. Infront of the door his Manager was there and he 
asked me you are the one who won meet and greet, I said yes and he 
told me go inside….. Oh God…. I knocked the door and opened it. God 
God… I just couldn't believe my eyes, it was a big room with some 
Sofas. On one of them the great man is sitting and drinking water 
from a small bottle. When he saw me he said come come… God promise, 
I couldn't control myself I gave bouquet and I fallen down on his 
leg and caught his leg and cried allot. I told him by crying, I love 
you so much sir, and he said I know I know. His face also little bit 
changed when he saw me with cry. He stood up and slowly hold me like 
a support to get up. I hug him after I stood up. (No one else will 
allow to hug, that is Rahman Sir) I became speechless and I couldn't 
ask anything to him. He asked me are you in Yahoo group (Coz I was 
wearing our t-shirt), I said yes and he asked from where you got 
this t-shirt, I replied I got it through one of my friend Hakkeem 
from Kerala. Also he asked me where I am working, how long I have 
been married and what is my wife's name etc. I couldn't reply all 
coz I was not hearing anything, I was in another world and my wife 
she said me he is asking reply him. Then I started replying one by 
one. I was like I'm in a dream. Then Hit FM people and Sangeetha 
took photos of us. Most of the photos were shaky coz everybody 
became out of control when we saw him. My hands were shivering too 
much. He is having that divine power, when I touched him I realized 
it. He is very simple, no big talks he knows very well bout him. AND 
I LOVE HIM ALLOT!!!! Am I that much lucky to meet him??

Sorry to post this longer one. I got little time to share my 
experience and love to Rahman Sir. I thank to God first and then to 
Hit FM to gave me an opportunity to meet and greet him and to 
Sangeetha too. Who knows that you will be next luckiest to meet 
Rahman Sir….

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