Guys, can you please hold your horses until we have the full audio in our 
hands, with all its surprises n bells n whistles n what not??

jsrwm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             Chord
 Easily one of the BEST of hip hope songs in the recent past. As
 someone rightly put, this song doesn't require multiple listening. You
 have said that you are going to 'pass' the song. You are really going
 to be addictive on this song wait and see..
 --- In, "Chord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Just from what I've heard.  The song may hold some surprises, but it
 > sounds like typical bollywood hip hop.  Anyway, I'm still excited
 > about the album for Kabhi Kabhi, ARR's solo, and 1 or 2 other songs
 > which appear promising.  I really love Kabhi Kabhi.  But, the Pappu
 > song could be one song that I may take a pass on this CD.


  " The search is more important than the destination "

  - a r rahman -


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