No Lip syncing in ARR concerts. Only Heart Syncing in joy and emotions...

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:45 AM, nazeef mohammed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

>    Hi!
> To the best of my knowledge, I beleive the following is true..
> Firstly, Rahman is not so stupid to have a repertoire of splendid musicians
> and singers "Acting" on stage..
> 99 pc of the music is played live-the guitars, the flute, the drums,the
> keyboards, the synths and a whole lot of other percussions and strings. The
> only sounds that would be recorded would be a little of the mixing sounds,
> loops and some special effects and little bit of work done to combine more
> than one song together..
> AR has atleast three to four days of proper rehearsals in his studios
> before each concert. The singers practise till
> AR feels it's right. Over and over again, if needed. AR himself takes a lot
> of time to get Khwaja mere Khwaja to perfection. He uses a couple of other
> singers to ensure the effect of the three to four rahmans, as heard in the
> original is achieved.
> There is barely any lip sync-infact so many singers have so many variations
> while performing live. AR himself changes and shuffles within a song (Humma
> humma, NY nagaram and so many!) to make sure it does not sound like we hear
> it on cd. So many singers do last minute stunts, which is not possible if
> they were to lip sync!!
> There is a proper dedicated chorus that also backs the lead singer. Only to
> ensure that nothing goes wrong, there is always the backing track, on which
> the musicians tune their instruments to. Especially an AR concert, with hi
> tech AR touch to it, is a lil impossible to be perfect, but a 99 pc to
> perfection is always there!
> If you are judging by the sounds you hear on a video of the concert, then
> PHEW!! The videos are edited, the sounds are edited and then allowed to
> sync...the concert videos are not just some premature randomn
> recordings..they take time to release because of the work involved in
> getting you good sound quality.
> I have attended a few concerts of AR and lucky I should admit, to be very
> close to the stage and to be able to give the above explanation.
> Gomzy, add??
> Nazeef Mohammed.


ARR -- The Sweet Cube always

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