Hi siraj 
i agree with you partly. You mentioned that it is boring to read articles copy 
and pasted from other websites. But it is very useful to the members who are 
checking mails through mobile. I regularly checking mails in my mobile and iam 
very thankful to the members who are posting articles from various sites 
especially VITHUR. I have been a member in this group since 2002 and reading 
such posts. I believe that this group is more active comparing with other 
forums because of such active members. U mentioned about some members here, yes 
they were posting interesting topics in the last some months. Hope they will 
come back.

Siraj K wrote: 
>             My dear fellow Rahmaniacs, 
>  No offense meant; I don't intend to hurt anybody here; please understand. 
>  It has been a long time since we had some healthy, constructive and 
> meaningful article / discussions happened in our own ARR's Yahoo Group Forum. 
>  Friends, please don't ask me, " How many posts have you posted? How many 
> articles you wrote? And for how many posts have you replied? " I 've no 
> answer for this because I'm not so good in music to write a review or comment 
> on ARR's music. But as a fan, I do read all the posts (healthy & 
> constructive) posted by other fans here. I'm an active SILENT member. 
>  Where are Chord, Amit, Rawat, and other strong members who writes reviews or 
> analyzes ARR's music and songs? 
>  But now a days what we get to read in this forum is just " Copy & Paste " 
> from various websites and " bits & pieces " about ARR (& many times just info 
> related to ARR) from other sources. Many times it happens to get same info 
> from various websites (for ex, Kamal's Marmayogi, Mani's Mahabharat, 
> Shankar's Robo, Akshay's Blue, Rashid Ali's interviews, etc, etc...) We're 
> seeing same info about these on different posts atleast 5 times everyday ( 
> same info is repeated over and over; again and again - by various fans; many 
> times by the same fan ). Its really boring and frustrating to read. 
>  There are few posts where there is no trace of ARR's name at all. 
>  Yahoo Group is becoming like Orkut community where we don't see any healthy 
> debate or discussions. 
>  Please guys, old active members of Yahoo! fans club, please come again and 
> start the healthy discussions. 
>  It looks we're working hard to reach the message / post count to reach 1 
> million; we don't need that. If we want to reach 1 million, we can simply 
> start posting " I LOVE YOU ARR " everyday 10 times; soon we'll reach 1 
> billion or 1 trillion. We need some meaningful analysis and constructive 
> debates / reviews on ARR's music. 
>  Sorry if my mail hurts anybody. 
>  Cheers, Siraj 


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