My dear friends,

Thanks all for considering my email positively (because I didn't get any
bashing from anybody so far).

But I noticed onething. Everybody is pointing to Vithur only. Why? I never
meant his posts; I meant in general.  Sorry, Vithur (don't misunderstand
me). And few said they're with Vithur; I'm also with Vithur (since I posted
this, does it mean that I'm against Vithur?).

As somebody stated, though we've google alerts & RSS Feeds facility, it is
easy to get all info here in one place (being posted by Vithur and others).
But I think this is not the place for that purpose.

If somebody wants to know about other stuffs (like Marmayogi, Robot,
Maniratnam, what Aishwarya & Abhishek are doing, etc...), let them go and
find it from other places. Its not a place to read about the progress of
those movies. We already knew ARR is assoicated with these movies because of
which we don't have to know the progress of the movie too; we don't want to
know who is the producer, what is his budget, where and when the shooting is
getting started? I'm sure even ARR is not interested about all these Qs.
Then why should we bother? If ARR is doing some research on music for those
movies, those articles can be posted here. If ARR is doing some research on
6th century music to compose for Marmayogi, we can discuss here "what could
it be? how it could sound? etc..."

 Be frank my friends... We know that there are definitely VERY LESS about
ARR in the recent posts than NON-ARR stuffs (may be 1 or 2 lines about ARR).

Sorry for the comparison here...

Just visit "Ilayaraja - Orkut community" once; you'll understand what the
community is meant for. They're discussing lot about IR's music and
specialities, nook and corner of his music. And visit "Kamal Hasan's Orkt
Community", they discuss a lot about Kamal (leave some exceptional posts
apart) and his movies (for instance, they're discussing about Dasavatharam
right from the movie release and revealing lot of info everyday). They look
really logical and interesting to know about Kamal & his talent.

In the same way, we've to discuss about ARR, his music and his talent and
small small stuffs he hides in his music. So that other fans who have less
knowledge on music (like me) will come to know the talent of ARR.

Just posting "whether the movie shooting is started or not" neither helps in
understanding ARR's music nor his talent.

Hey Bergin, you do remember those days (I miss those days yaar)...!!! I
don't want to create an argument among our friends (Rahmaniacs). What I want
is 'reasonable analysis' and 'worthy contents'.

Thanks for not bashing me.


On 8/22/08, Bergin Panimayam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>      Friends,
> First, why should we argue like this for nothing? See the thread it has
> gained for no use. All of us here are ARR fans, lets be united. Siraj, I
> remember our hostel days in Jamal, then we argue with non-ARR fans that
> argue with us. You, me and other Siraj on a side supporting ARR.
> But all of us here are ARR fans, why to indulge unnecessary arguement. In
> fact i didnt want to read all the messages on this topics.
> I very much understand and appreciate your intentions of having a good and
> healthy conversation. Did you notice, in the past month or so, there's not
> much posting from Gopal or Vijay, very few infact. That doesnt mean they are
> out of the forum or Silent... Instead of arguing, lets start a good healthy
> discussions.
> One thing, Let us all appreciate Vithur for his efforts to post news that
> comes every day. I do have my own Google Alerts, that alerts me on ARR news
> every day. But i find it difficult to read 'em all. And this man is taking
> efforts to keep the forum informed on news involving ARR. And let's not
> forget the charity work he does. Hats off to you Vithur.
> Let's discuss, if there's a way to popularise ARR to the rest of the world,
> how as a fan we can take this to other people around the world and show we
> have a man that has sold so many records in just 16 yrs. Think of what we
> can do to spread the word. let's all market the brand ARR to the world as
> much possible.
> Post articles where ever possible, guys abroad, talk to your non-indian
> colleagues about ARR on your casual discussions . And let them know about
> his music. That's what we should do and that will help improve his music
> sales in US and other countries and will in turn help ARR to go more closer
> to Grammy and other awards.
> *Bergin*
> --- On *Fri, 8/22/08, vrvithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> From: vrvithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [arr] NO healthy, constructive & meaningful posts on ARR&#39;s
> music anymore here... [SAD]
> To:
> Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 2:07 AM
>  Thanks abdul Bhai... Would strive to make my posts as interesting as
> possible...
> --- In arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com <>,
> Abdul Manaf <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> > Hi vithur
> > i wrote here that i agree with siraj partly. Please dont
> missunderstand me. What i meant is that there were some members here
> who coming with interesting topics. They must come back. For me i
> didnt miss any of ur mail till now. Dont stop. I didnt feel that
> those info are boring, it is very interesting. Keep it up. We are
> with you.
> >
> > Vithur wrote:
> > > I post relevant information only abt ARR... and even
> if I post it from different websites... I post them, only if there is
> some additional info or if something is different...
> > >
> > > I dont have the expertise to analyse or dissect AR music...
> > > On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Abdul Manaf < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> com > wrote:
> > > Hi siraj i agree with you partly. You mentioned that it is
> boring to read articles copy and pasted from other websites. But it
> is very useful to the members who are checking mails through mobile.
> I regularly checking mails in my mobile and iam very thankful to the
> members who are posting articles from various sites especially
> VITHUR. I have been a member in this group since 2002 and reading
> such posts. I believe that this group is more active comparing with
> other forums because of such active members. U mentioned about some
> members here, yes they were posting interesting topics in the last
> some months. Hope they will come back.
> > > Siraj K wrote: > My dear fellow Rahmaniacs, >   > No offense
> meant; I don't intend to hurt anybody here; please understand. > It
> has been a long time since we had some healthy, constructive and
> meaningful article / discussions happened in our own ARR's Yahoo
> Group Forum.
> > >> Friends, please don't ask me, " How many posts have you posted?
> How many articles you wrote? And for how many posts have you
> replied? " I 've no answer for this because I'm not so good in music
> to write a review or comment on ARR's music. But as a fan, I do read
> all the posts (healthy & constructive) posted by other fans here. I'm
> an active SILENT member.
> > >> Where are Chord, Amit, Rawat, and other strong members who
> writes reviews or analyzes ARR's music and songs? > But now a days
> what we get to read in this forum is just " Copy & Paste " from
> various websites and " bits & pieces " about ARR (& many times just
> info related to ARR) from other sources. Many times it happens to get
> same info from various websites (for ex, Kamal's Marmayogi, Mani's
> Mahabharat, Shankar's Robo, Akshay's Blue, Rashid Ali's interviews,
> etc, etc...) We're seeing same info about these on different posts
> atleast 5 times everyday ( same info is repeated over and over; again
> and again - by various fans; many times by the same fan ). Its really
> boring and frustrating to read.
> > >> There are few posts where there is no trace of ARR's name at
> all. > Yahoo Group is becoming like Orkut community where we don't
> see any healthy debate or discussions. > Please guys, old active
> members of Yahoo! fans club, please come again and start the healthy
> discussions.
> > >> It looks we're working hard to reach the message / post count to
> reach 1 million; we don't need that. If we want to reach 1 million,
> we can simply start posting " I LOVE YOU ARR " everyday 10 times;
> soon we'll reach 1 billion or 1 trillion. We need some meaningful
> analysis and constructive debates / reviews on ARR's music.
> > >> Sorry if my mail hurts anybody. > Cheers, Siraj
> ._,_.___
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