Slumdog Millionaire
Director: Danny Boyle
Starring: Dev Patel, Freida Pinto, Madhur Mittal, Anil Kapoor, Irrfan Khan
Danny Boyle is fast becoming a favourite director of mine, even though this is 
only the third of his films that I’ve seen (28 Days Later and Sunshine are the 
other two… while three more, includingTrainspotting sit in my queue). Above all 
else, he is a stunning visualist who produces memorable footage that helps his 
films overcome other narrative weaknesses. I wasn’t sure if his latest 
film,Slumdog Millionaire would appeal to me as much as the other two, given 
that it is a complete departure from his tense zombie film or his hard sci-fi 
adventure. The film is a decidedly more human and more earthy tale about a 
young man who grew up on the streets of India, who finds himself a contestant 
on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, having to face 
accusations of fraud for his ability to make it to the final question. The film 
follows his life through flashbacks, allowing Boyle to show off his ability for 
making dynamic images with the
 bright colours of Mumbai, without losing the humanity of his characters. And 
it works. This might be my favourite Boyle film yet.
Verdict: Smashing Success - Easily my favourite movie of the festival so far, 
this one is a real crowd-pleaser, with emotional highs and lows, some genuine 
laughs, some tears, and a tense finale. Put this one on your to see list, and 
make sure to stick around during the final credits.

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