TIFF 08: Review of SLUMDOG MILLIONAREPosted on Monday, September 8th, 2008 
18:09:01 GMT by: John Allison
Posted under: movie news drama 
You will not hear me say this often when it comes to a review of a movie but I 
do not believe I can do Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire justice in a review. 
I could start a listing of hyperbole after hyperbole and I would not be 
exaggerating one bit on how I feel about this movie. This is the movie that has 
made TIFF worthwhile by itself, and I can't recommend it strongly enough.

The movie starts with Jamal, played by Dev Patel being tortured by Irfan Khan, 
the police inspector. He wants to know how someone from the slums could answer 
so many questions correctly on India's version of Who Wants to be a 
Millionaire. After Jamal is unwilling to admit to cheating during the torture 
they put him in front of a TV and one by one they go through the questions with 
him explaining how he knew the answers. Using this premise Danny Boyle is able 
to provide the audience with one of the most truthful, heartfelt stories that 
is so much more than the simple romance which it could have been.

One by one Jamal explains how he grew up with his brother Salim in the slums 
and how they became orphans and how they were taken in by gangsters who had the 
worst of intentions when it came to the young boys. We see time and time again 
Latika played by Freida Pinto come and go from Jamal's life. All of his life in 
the slums of India have lead him to this point has lead him to where he is 
today. And each flashback gives beautifully told glimpses into the life of the 
poor in India as well as being a wonderful story.

I have yet to see Millions but I had heard before going in that Danny Boyle had 
a knack for getting the best out of child actors and I now fully believe it. 
Question by question we see Jamil, Salim and Latika age in front of us. We see 
them during their times of happiness and during the moments in their lives when 
everything has been turned upside down on them. Never once did I question the 
emotions and the acting of any of these children. Each and everyone of them 
were near perfect in their roles. Never once did question the love Jamil had 
for Latika nor how Salim could end up on a dark path.

It has been a while since a movie has touched me like Slumdog Millionaire did 
and from the reaction of the audience I am not alone. The applause for it was 
thunderous and I have never seen an audience clap along with the music in the 
closing credits. Danny Boyle has truly succeeded in creating a pitch perfect 
wonderful optimistic yet truthful movie that I am going to watch over and over 
again for a great many years.


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