Gomzy and the slogan will be ' Don't Haress Harris'  :P
--- On Sun, 9/28/08, Gomzy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: Re: [arr] Re: Harris about ARR in Hindu-nice one!
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, September 28, 2008, 6:07 AM

Now we have a problem when Harris praises ARR? Everyone who has worked with AR
mention that he gives them a lot of creative freedom. So what are they trying 
to convey?

Is it some kind of a sadistic pleasure to undermine HJ every now and then?
Let the poor man be.Enjoy AR and stop listening to HJ if its that painful. 

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 4:20 PM, arun prasad <arunprasads21@ yahoo.com> wrote:

hi guys...
here i am to answer mr.harris a few things...
just coz ARR doesnt react to comments ,it doesnt mean that no one else can do 
it. now i want let him know that if he couldnt get an opportunity to work with 
ARR , he would definitely be playin in some churches..
look at hi orchestration. . first let him to differentiate between a male voice 
and tha female one in his songs... both are the very same... next is by sayin 
that ARR has allowed him to improvise ,is harris tryin to convey that he has 
composed all the songs for ARR?
man... look at ur BGM.. it states who u r?
and look at the heights ARR has reached.. never in ur life time u will achieve 
what ARR has it till now.
first try to have some originality. .
then spekout ...

----- Original Message ----
From: Reformed Sinner <reformedsinner@ gmail.com>
To: arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, 26 September, 2008 10:11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [arr] Re: Harris about ARR in Hindu-nice one!

Judging by the strong ARR feel in Harris' songs, he should be crediting ARR 


On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Prakash Srinivasan <prakash.srin@ gmail.com> 

Sorry, a slight correction, its an old 2002 Hindu interview not recent but 
nevertheless its nice that Harris credits ARR.

2008/9/26 Prakash Srinivasan <prakash.srin@ gmail.com>

Quoting Harris Jayaraj from a recent Hindu interview. He has good things to say 
about ARR :)

Working for A. R. Rahman... 

"I have worked for many composers including Rahman. Most of them would give us 
the notation... you had to play it ... get your payment and come away. There 
was nothing more. But Rahman would not expect us to stick to the notes given... 
he would allow us to improvise and if he liked it he would ask us to play it 
our way. So I think in a way it was probably working for Rahman that made me 
realise that there was a composer in me." 

Best Regards,
Prakash Srinivasan

Best Regards,
Prakash Srinivasan

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