YEs...Dats wat I said Avinash... D beats are from d same DRUMKIT BEST
SERVICE XXL 1500....
I hv heard dis song long bak...

And BONEYM was one of the BANDS to use SAMPLES from as early as 1978... They
were one of the EARLIEST bands in the WORLD to use ELECTRONIC samples from
Digital Samplers.....

Avinash...If u observe, the PATTERN and STRUCTURE of the BEATS in BOTH the
song are DIFFERENT..... EXAMPLE: Observe d AREAS where d SMASH comes in both
d songs....
The RHYTHM STRUCTURE is TOTALLY different... ANd both BONEYM and ARR hav
used d SAME DRUMKIT....But developed DIFFERENT RHYTHMS..

If I use d same SAMPLE again(Too OLD now) ...I can develop ANOTHER  rhtyhm
from it, to suit my song...
 Hope u understood...
Infacts BONEYM's song has an ORDINARY CLAP for d SMASH and ARR's MANGTA HAI

For example, some elements of ROCK BAND SLIPKNOT are present in some LINKIN
PARK songs...Dey MATCH exactly.... But they are not a copy or inspiration...
Both the  BANDS have used d SAME DRUMKIT.....

I hope Ur DOUBT is clear AVINASH....

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